Protect your family

We help you make the web a safer place. Our slogan is "Clean up the Net". We mean it literally. All the harmful content should be kept away from our children. Although there are many similar products available, those ones don't really offer a perfect solution. They either require additional tools to be installed, cannot handle a long list of blocked sites, or just simply leak the inappropriate content into the devices of our children. We came to the conclusion that we need to build a brand new system from scratch. offers a one-stop solution to protect all your devices connecting to your home internet. Our service is very easy to use. There are no apps to be downloaded. The only thing you need to do is changing the DNS server's IP address of your devices, in order to go all your internet traffic though our firewall. All these settings can be done in minutes and you can enjoy the safety of your internet connection. Adult content is blocked and all drug-related sites, even if they are partially legalized or tolerated by your government. In addition to that, as a bonus, over 100,000 ad providers are blocked, making those ad-heavy websites load much faster.